Tuesday, May 10, 2016

John 1:24…

The fulfillment of a ministry calling is always an amazing thing, especially to the one who has been called by God.

One thing we must remember about John the Baptist is he is performing all God has called him to do without having seen the results of his ministry – or even really knowing what the result may be.

Also, we must remember John is doing all this in a confrontational manner before what could be a hostile crowd. Apparently, the majority of the crowd comes around to his message, and is deeply affected by it – but he did not know that would happen prior to launching off into his message of Spiritual conviction and the requirement for repentance as a means of heart preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

And the Messiah had NOT come yet when John began, and he really had no certainty He would. John was operating and placing himself in grave danger by faith alone. He told the crowd the Messiah was coming before he himself had seen the Messiah or known of his existence - except by God’s word.

God had told John to “Go and do,” and so John ‘went and did.’

This is the kind and quality of obedience to God’s calling we seldom see any more. There is perhaps an evaluation of whether what God is telling us can be so before we even begin to think about whether it may be so. Of course, our own sense of personal comfort, protection, and even convenience also enter the equation. “Can this be accomplished without too much being required on my part?”

John was nothing like that. He is a personal hero of mine for that reason. I am here to remind everyone John was operating only on faith in the face of grave personal danger to himself. His faith was not yet sight at the time the bulk of his ministry was carried out.

Yet, I am also here to remind us all of the great reward from simply doing what God says to do, when God says to do it – even when the result is not known, and even if the result may never be known.

Oh, but what if John had not gone and done what God told him to go and do?

-Pastor Bill

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

John 1:18…

Humility is one of the greatest traits exemplified by John the Baptist. It seems he almost spends more time telling us who he is not rather than who he is.

In John 3, he makes the classic statement that to me makes him so very admirable as an example: “He must increase, but I must decrease.” (John 3:30) (Of course, he was speaking of Jesus in this instance as The One Who must increase.)

Well, truly John was the leading proponent of Jesus’ increase. John was the one who was charged with creating the pathway into the human heart Jesus would cross over.

It was the reason John was created. It was the very nature of his calling. And – by the way – what if the nature of his calling also meant he would be arrested and eventually beheaded. That Jesus, once introduced, would be the last Man standing? (You could say once the sun has risen there is no longer any need for the moon.)

Was John simply discarded by God once the need for his ministry was at an end? I suppose some might look at it that way – but once John was beheaded he went straight into heaven. There is no way he would have been upset with that outcome of his ministry.

But when your ministry has drawn a massive crowd, through its freshness, and also through its abrupt truth-telling even to those being drawn to it – might there not be a very human tendency toward making all this last? (The fame, the notoriety, the acclaim, the power?)

Even the religious leaders saw John the Baptist as a force to be reckoned with. They came out to HIM. They came to see what HE was about, not the other way around.

What they saw must have shocked them. Here they found the son of a priest wearing outlandish clothing telling people, (all people – every person,) they MUST repent. Even the Jews. Especially the Jews. Especially the Jewish leaders. And he held the crowd by the force of his calling, right up to the moment his calling ended.

Then he stepped into the shadows, just as it had been prophesied of the one crying in the wilderness, “Make straight the way of the LORD.”

-Pastor Bill