Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Day of Reckoning

Matthew 23:1-15

In The Book of the Revelation, chapters 2 and 3, Jesus provides a very intense and thorough evaluation of His church.

In that evaluation, we see the importance of the church to Jesus Christ, and how concerned He is for even the slightest variance from what is needed in the church to produce disciples. It’s a pretty tough evaluation. 5 of the 7 churches are severely chastised and commanded to repent. (The church?)

In Malachi, God says through the prophet He desires, “Godly offspring.”

This is also Jesus’ greatest concern for the “church” of His day – the Jewish faith system. They are not reproducing themselves out of the world; they are reproducing themselves of the world.

How can such a worldly entity produce Godly offspring?

How can a religious operation headed by hypocrisy and deceit be expected to bring lost people into saving relationship with God? What is the point of growth in numbers – should it come – if the growth is not unto God’s righteousness but unto man’s edifice?

This is what Jesus addresses in Matthew, chapter 23. This should be an uncomfortable chapter for all of us. One of things we most powerfully see is Jesus knows everything about what takes place in His church, and that He is evaluating His church for its integrity and efficacy. Is His church making disciples? If not, why not?

And now it comes down to our individual lives doesn’t it? The Bible assures us one day each believer will stand before Christ for evaluation of heavenly reward. Each unbeliever will stand before the great white throne for evaluation of punishment. Matthew 23 assures us nothing escapes Jesus’ notice, especially motive, for good or for bad.

Jesus’ evaluation of the scribes and Pharisees should be a wake-up call for all of us.

-Pastor Bill

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