Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Signs of the End

Matthew 24:1-14

Imagine being sort of a tour-guide, so-to-speak, and having the opportunity to “show” Jesus the temple, and to explain to Him the wonder of its majesty and creation.

I used to have these kinds of opportunities growing up in Washington, D.C. A summer never went by when we didn’t receive visits from family and friends from far off places who came to visit with us and “see the sights.”

Our job would be to take them downtown, and give them a tour of the impressive buildings which represent our great nation, as well as the museums and other assorted facilities that people always wanted to see.

I imagine it was much like that for the disciples, as they came to Jesus to show Him the buildings of the temple.

It is one thing to be very impressed with the buildings, (as I always was and still am with those in Washington, D.C.,) it is quite another to have the opportunity to share how impressive those buildings are with someone else.

Jesus responded to their ‘tour’ in an unexpected way: “Do you see all these things? Assuredly I say to you, not one stone shall be left here upon another, that shall not be thrown down.”

Well then…

Rather than being impressed with the architecture - Jesus prophecies its total destruction.

I’m sure Jesus’ words would have been very upsetting to those with Him, as this building is so impressive, and it represents so MUCH to the Jewish people – but mostly because the things Jesus says always seem to come true.

Now the chief concern becomes, when will this be?

-Pastor Bill

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