Tuesday, September 9, 2014

God on Trial

Matthew 26:57-75

Putting God on trial is the silliest, stupidest, most fallacious, felonious, ridiculous, terrible and blasphemous action ever attempted by man.

We could also say putting God on trial only strengthens His cause.

It has been a peculiar notation of human history that whenever God is on trial, His cause is strengthened, and His ministry grows.

Persecution does not deter Christ, it engages His power.

The trial of Jesus performed here is a sham – as are ALL trials of Christ. This was a court of religious leaders who had a pre-determined judgment, and only used the legal framework of religious leadership in order to seek to satisfy the minds of the people they ruled over.

Had Christ been hauled over to Pontius Pilate without a trial, the people may have thought this a travesty of justice. However, with this trial taking place behind closed doors, the people would be left to trust the judgment of the Sanhedrin, while knowing there HAD been a trial. Knowing there HAD been a trial – and Christ HAD been found guilty – then He must BE guilty. (The religious leaders had to trust this would be the view of the people, and apparently – it was.)

It is morally impossible to try and convict someone you KNOW is not guilty. Jesus was a special case. Not only was He NOT GUILTY of what He was accused of, He was NOT GUILTY of ANYTHING.

And so, false testimony had to be arranged. (As it always is whenever Christ is on trial.) Jesus cannot be accused of any guilt, and yet people hold him guilty all the time. In this case, He is found guilty of speaking a Spiritual truth. On this basis, Jesus is found guilty of blasphemy, which is the highest form of irony. It is the religious leaders, and Caiaphas, (the High Priest,) in particular, who are guilty of the blasphemy of which they accuse Christ. Nothing ever changes when it comes to placing God on trial.

-Pastor Bill

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