Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Luke 9:37…

When you’re on the mountain-top it can be easy to forget what is going on back down in the valley.

Of course, as Christians we are (hopefully) all aware of the ‘mountain-top’ experiences we sometimes have with Jesus. These may come in the form of retreats, or ‘after-glow’ gatherings, or special times of prayer, or just about anywhere we have a genuine experience with Jesus that reaches into the supernatural realm.

It may happen – and probably most often does – when we least expect it, but are just being faithful to what Jesus has told us to do. Then unexpectedly we somehow are able to see His glory in our midst. It is wonderful, and it is proof of all Jesus has told us.

Peter, James, and John have just had such an experience. Called by Jesus to go to the top of the mountain to pray, they were faithful to His call to prayer and saw what they had no expectation they were about to see: Jesus’ glory was fully revealed, as if veil between the material realm and the spiritual realm had suddenly been removed. And there were Moses and Elijah speaking with Jesus about the plan for Jesus’ crucifixion. Too amazing to even begin to attempt to fully comprehend!

But back down at the foot of the mountain there was trouble. What had the enemy arranged for the remaining 9 disciples? You know; the ones who had just been given power and authority over all demons and to heal diseases a mere 35 verses earlier? The ones who had gone out through all the towns preaching the gospel and healing everywhere? The ones who had returned to Jesus telling Him of all they had done in His name?

Satan chooses this time to spring an intense spiritual attack on Jesus’ isolated disciples down in the valley, and it is two-fold: The disciples are surrounded by a great expectant crowd, but in that crowd is a group of scribes disputing with them, and evidently they are drawn into a contentious verbal exchange in the midst of the crowd of witnesses. Secondly, there is a man present in the crowd who has brought his demon-possessed son to the remaining disciples for healing. They could not ‘win’ the argument, and they could not heal the young man.

This is an important reminder our callings and giftings are specific, and apart from Christ we can accomplish nothing.

-Pastor Bill

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