Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Luke 14:1…

Consider the invitation.

Who invited you? What are you invited to? What are the expectations for your attendance? What is the dress code? What time should you be there? What do you expect to happen when you arrive?

All of these questions and more flood our minds when we receive an invitation. The questions usually have simple answers. (Generally speaking none of this is difficult to figure out.)

Our response is most often driven mostly by who the invitation is from. Is it a person we regard as important – or someone we don’t care much for?

Luke 14 is all about invitations. Jesus is demonstrating and indicating how God views our responses to His invitations to us…

Here we are in synagogue service, and Jesus scans the room and invites a man with dropsy to come forward. It is Sabbath. What will Jesus do? (Notice the man with dropsy does not hesitate to respond to Jesus’ invitation.) We could ask, “Why not?” but the answer is obvious.

On the other hand the lawyers and Pharisees don’t respond to Jesus’ invitation to be about the business of healing broken people on Sabbath. All the while they do respond to the invitation of the needs of their animals without regard to the day.

Jesus again uses healing on the Sabbath to demonstrate how far askew their opinion of God’s Law is. This is an invitation Jesus offers over and over again during the course of His ministry because inviting people to be healed is such an important part of God’s program – and God hates it when His program is misrepresented by men invited by Satan to not do what God desires.

The point Jesus so vividly demonstrates is how we so often attempt to remain pious in appearance while we are answering invitations from the devil and denying those from God. “Is it lawful to heal on the Sabbath?” That’s quite the invitation, isn’t it?

-Pastor Bill

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