It sure seems like we will live forever doesn’t it? I mean, it’s very difficult to think about dying, and even harder to think of dying.
By thinking of dying, I mean the literal instant of physical death. We like to pretend we never think of such a thing, and yet, if we are honest, we are thinking of just such a thing pretty often. But we really can’t imagine it, so we put it out of our minds as quickly as the thought arises.
Instead, a new thought floods over us…of invincibility. Better to lie to ourselves. Better to not even to think of dying since it is so hard to imagine. We can’t imagine it because no one has ever been able to describe the process. We can’t imagine what can’t be described, so we say things like, “I’m not afraid to die,” and roll on with our ‘invincible’ selves - all the while knowing we will die but not wanting to think about it. Are we all crazy?
The main reason we know we will die is because every human being that has ever lived on earth has died. Except Jesus Christ.
The truth is – we don’t have to die if we simply choose to live. The choice is so simple it has always boggled the minds of those who would consider such a thing – that man, me, myself, I, can have eternal life if I simply choose to.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.
The stumbling block to mankind has always been the simplicity of how it is we receive eternal life. The truth is all we must do, all we can do, is repent of our sins and believe on Jesus Christ. In doing so, we return to God a small part of the love He has shown for us, by sending His only begotten Son into the world to die for our sin.
Jesus proved He had power over death and dying by rising from the dead. He is alive and present with us today. He continues to change the lives of all who call on His name. He continues to save from death all who believe.
If you desire to live forever, simply pray with all your heart, “Lord Jesus, I open my heart, and invite you inside, to be my Lord, my Savior, and my friend. Wash me clean of all of my sin. This day I have decided to follow you Jesus, forever and ever. Amen.”
It’s just that simple to make the impossible a reality. Do you believe?
- Pastor Bill
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