Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
In the south, there is a saying which accompanies a statement like the one written above: “Nuff said!” (Maybe you’ve seen that statement sometime on a ‘Florida State University’ promo billboard – as they seem to think the letters ‘F-S-U’ are, “Nuff said!” )
At any rate, the declaration is understood to mean there are no more statements which are necessary. What has been said as declaration completely defines everything that needs to be understood, and that additional words are superfluous.
Oh that that were true of Genesis 1:1. If you can wrap your brain around Gen 1:1, then everything else which is said about God in His Word becomes eminently possible and plausible. A God who can speak the universe into existence is capable of anything and everything - and nothing is too difficult for Him.
Thus, it makes perfect sense for a deceiving spirit to attack along this single, narrow front. If it becomes implausible God created the heavens and the earth, then, (according to some scientists,) it becomes at least possible some sort of “natural” phenomena did. Some ‘scientists’ state this random, natural creation as if it were fact, and they present any alternate arguments as “blind, idiotic, and superstitious.” (Of course we must overlook the fact NONE of the principles of evolution are scientifically observable.) Over the past hundred and fifty years many hoaxes, (see ‘Java man’,) have been put forth to substantiate what cannot be substantiated. It was once illustrated as truth humans have gill slits on the side of their throats at one point in the development in the womb. And of course we’ve all seen the drawing which shows the monkey at one end and the man with a briefcase at the other. Sure!
Darwin himself once stated his entire theory of evolution fails completely if the human cell can be shown to be a complex organism. Hmmm… I wonder what Darwin might have to say about DNA?
The Bible does make a pungent observation regarding this matter: Proverbs 14:1 The fool has said in his heart, "There is no God.”
Yet, now it is those who believe in God’s creation who are put forth as fools. We are not to believe in what cannot be “scientifically observed.” Can we not at least hold those who believe in evolution to the same standard? The answer is a resounding “NO!” in our public schools and college campuses across the country. We are simply to accept as fact that which cannot be scientifically observed because the “evidence” is “overwhelming.” Does it take greater faith to believe matter created itself – or that God created matter? Oh yeah – it shouldn’t be a matter of faith.
- Pastor Bill
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