Thursday, September 4, 2008


There is no doubt our country is in the worst shape it has EVER been. At least if you listen to one political party – that is. One political party’s job is to convince us the country is in terrible shape – the worst shape ever – simply because they want you to vote for them. It’s understandable. That’s how it works.

The concept is simple. Motivate the people to vote for you. Change the system because the system is THE WORST IT HAS EVER BEEN! Get the picture?

If we’re not careful, we can buy into this sort of negative mindset. All of the sudden, even as Christians with a full understanding of how the Lord is working in this world, we find ourselves skulking around and worrying ourselves to death over things like the ‘state of the economy.’ “Oh no…Just look how bad it is!!!”

Really? Is God still in control? Do you believe this?

Martha and Mary faced a similar ‘political’ enemy. An enemy whose sole intent was to distract them and rob them of their joy in this life, and to disconnect them with Jesus in the next. An enemy with the power to shake men’s hearts and bind their souls. An enemy who makes it impossible to focus on the true meaning of life, because all meaning has changed.

That enemy is death.

The enemy of all enemies. The last enemy. The enemy over which men have no power.

Jesus, being informed of His friend Lazarus’ sickness, tarried in a remote location until Lazarus was dead. Good and dead. 4 days dead. Decomposition dead. Mournfully dead. Martha and Mary totally disconsolate dead. Inconsolably dead.

Never mind. John 11:25 Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. 26 And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?"

Wait a minute! What is Jesus saying here? What has Jesus declared? The world is on a highway to hell, and destruction lurks all around, death rules, and Jesus says, “Never mind?” Who is this Jesus? Who is this Jesus?

Jesus was and is campaigning for the hearts of men. Are you listening? Do you believe this? (BTW – You must vote.)

- Pastor Bill

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