Romans 2:1 Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things. 2 But we know that the judgment of God is according to truth against those who practice such things. 3 And do you think this, O man, you who judge those practicing such things, and doing the same, that you will escape the judgment of God? 4 Or do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance?
That God is good is the most fortunate gift ever provided the universe. Have you ever thought: What if God was NOT good? What if God was not infinitely loving? What if God was not a Creator of beauty, and music, and majesty and mystery and poetry?
One of the key proofs of the existence of God’s goodness is exactly that. We have become aware of what good is. Apart from a standard of good and evil, how would we recognize the difference? How is it mankind has come to recognize what good is?
In this day and age, this certainty is being shaken by those who conspire against the existence of God and the blessings of the certainty of goodness. Rather than viewing certainty as the great eternal hope it is, those who conspire against it cite certainty as a lack of tolerance for others, or as constrictive to the “human spirit” which yearns to be free. “How dare you be so certain of right and wrong!”
If the freedom of the “human spirit” depends upon a lack of certainty about what goodness is, than all that is left to mankind is isolation and hopelessness. The isolation comes from the lack of an agreeable standard, (or at least rebellion against the notion of it,) and the hopelessness comes from any degree of certainty about an eternal destiny based upon an agreeable standard of what is good. In reality, the lie mankind has bought into is that the so-called “freedom of the human spirit” is actually a freedom to sin, afforded only when one turns away from God – and worse – make themselves a god in their own image. They say things like: “My god would not do things that way.” Now they become the judge of God. They have a new and improved formula.
Is the freedom to do wrong and call it right really freedom? We say it is okay to do what we wish, “as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone.” This particular lie is so insidious because the truth is that ALL sin is against God. Deny Him as we wish, the reality remains God is real, God is always present, and there is no sin which does not hurt someone. As the Lord has declared, all sin – every sin – is damaging to the sinner; if for no other reason than the fact sin separates us from communion with the Father, and brings us into communion with Satan. Evidence of this is the confusion in the heart of man about right and wrong. Satan is the author of confusion.
But this is where the most fortunate free gift the universe has ever known comes into play. Because of His goodness, God does not pulverize sinners, He loves them. While it may be love unrequited, it is infinitely present nonetheless. If we only would repent we may. We, despite all we have ever done, are as near to fellowship with God as our will to repent allows. Isn’t that good? Isn’t He?
- Pastor Bill
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