Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Radical Feminization

Genesis 3:20 And Adam called his wife's name Eve, because she was the mother of all living.

The worldly definition of ‘feminization’ is described as being ‘radical.’

Somehow, some way, by the slow, inevitable creep of evolutionary thought and progressive philosophy, we have arrived at a time in which woman is thought to be her best self when she takes on some of the forms of masculinity.

Somehow, some way, this is presented as ‘overcoming’ the ‘weakness’ of femininity, and we are told we must instill this thinking in our daughters from an early age, so they may grow up believing they can “do anything.”

Somehow, some way, the thinking is a woman in the workplace represents the fullness of all that a woman may become, and that a woman’s sense of personal fulfillment is to come from the praise she may receive for the “productive” work she does. A performance review informing woman she is an excellent worker, (especially in a field formerly thought to be ‘man’s work,’) is said to be feminization.

In America we celebrate ‘Rosie the Riveter’ as the inception of the emergence of woman from the enforced role of home-maker – that she may finally be all she can be.

And so we long for the day we may have a woman president, because this will be a radical statement in fulfillment of all we have been working for nationally for so long. A woman president will say that we have arrived at “true equality,” and unless and until we reach that point we fall short of what true equality means.

Along the way, the role of motherhood has been marginalized, and its meaningfulness has been portrayed as being “less than all you can be.” Confession you are merely a ‘home-maker’ is to invite derision.

All of this is making woman into the image of Adam.

God’s Word, on the other hand, describes woman, (created in the image of God,) as, “the mother of all living.”

I get so excited just reading that statement for all it implies about the importance of motherhood, and what motherhood means to eternal life - that all eternal life comes through motherhood. But not simply of birth by water. There is so much more, and THIS is the radical part of feminization.

‘Radical feminization’ means being ALL God says you can be, according to His Word, and according to His design. It means playing a vital role in instilling Godliness in the family, and accepting full responsibility for the nurturing required to represent the extent of God’s mercy in the home.

In the world today, a woman in the workplace (any workplace,) can hardly be considered ‘radical.’ Radical feminization is ushering your children and your family into the presence of God for all eternity.

-Pastor Bill

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