Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Ready in Waiting

Matthew 25:1-13

In Matthew 24:36-44, Jesus employed the Hebrew wedding ceremony as an example of how it is Christ will return for His Church.

Given His pictorial representation of the pre-tribulation Rapture of the Church in the Olivette Discourse, those who heard His words at the time He spoke them may have been confused about any allusion to The Church - but they would not have been confused when they heard His words pertaining to Hebrew wedding customs.

Everyone would have understood everything He said pertaining to any references He made concerning the groom returning for his bride. (They would know nothing of The Church because it did not exist yet.)

On the other hand, from our vantage point, (which is a very privileged position in time,) we can see The Church clearly, but know little or nothing about Hebrew wedding customs. We must learn of the Hebrew wedding customs in Jesus’ time in order to more fully understand what Jesus teaches about the pre-tribulation Rapture of The Church.

Here, in Matthew 25, Jesus extends His teaching on the subject. (The Olivette Discourse continues in this chapter.)

Lest any in The Church doubt Jesus is speaking of a Hebrew wedding in His teaching about The Rapture, Jesus drives the point home as He continues speaking.

Without directly talking of a wedding as He talked all about a wedding previously, here He speaks directly of a Hebrew wedding to reinforce the illustration for those who need to understand exactly what He is talking about.

Previously He spoke about the required readiness in waiting for His return, (which will come at an hour “My Father only” knows,) He now teaches us exactly what is required to be considered “ready.” This we need to know more than anything in life.

There is no mistaking what Jesus says here. We must be filled with the Holy Spirit when Christ returns (as a groom) for His Church. And the ONLY way I may be filled with the Holy Spirit is to be born again. There are no exceptions. Being in church is not enough.

-Pastor Bill

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