Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Matthew 26:36-56

Paul writes, “without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness.” (1 Tim 3:16)

In other words, when it comes to the nature of God and His operation among men, there are some things we will never understand. God is higher than we are, and His thoughts (and plans) are higher than ours.

In Philippians 2, when Paul writes of Jesus putting off the Godhead, (and the supernatural powers thereof,) in His coming to earth – we can never really fully understand what that means. It is a mystery how Jesus could be God, and yet not, in His appearing as The Son of Man. He did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, and He made Himself of no reputation. He took on flesh.

Therefore we know: Jesus suffered as a man.

In this passage Jesus enters His suffering, which has been referred to theologically as ‘His passion.’ Passion is a word we normally associate with conviction, but in this case it goes further to denote a conviction which goes unto suffering.

The dispassionate world says some pretty hard things about this from a total lack of understanding about what is taking place and from a lack of any attempt whatsoever to understand the Godhead. Now when we say the Godhead is a mystery, it does not mean we should not seek wisdom and understanding, it simply means we will never come to the fullness of it. God desires to be known. It is why Jesus came.

But when people make God out to be some kind of monster because He allows His own Son to suffer and die – they miss the point entirely. They place God on a human level, judging themselves to be more graceful and merciful than God. This is foolishness.

What we know - but cannot fully understand - is that Jesus suffered as a man suffers. He felt the pain and anguish and humiliation exactly as we would. His desire was for The Father to design another way for mankind to be saved from God’s justice, but there was no other way. But always remember, this is God in flesh, suffering and dying for His creation. He would sacrifice Himself for the sin of mankind. That is passion.

-Pastor Bill

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