Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The First Temple Visit

Luke 2:21…

Now Mary and Joseph go up to the Temple at Jerusalem. We must imagine how Joseph and Mary felt as they brought THIS child to dedicate and to devote Him to the Lord. How can this be? Here we are to devote the VERY ONE we KNOW is the Son of God to the God He is the Son of.

It doesn’t get much more important or exciting or important than this.

It is most likely both have been coming up to the Temple all their lives for the high feasts, (reflected by the visit they make as a large family group at the end of this chapter when Jesus is twelve years old.)

Even with that in mind, we do realize the awesome wonder of the Temple, and the awesome wonder of this Child. We sing, “Mary, did you know?” And the answer is she did.

She did know Jesus is the Son of God because she had been told that He was – and also because she remains a virgin and is presently carrying in her arms The Baby that has come from her womb. This story is very personal and especially undeniable to Mary herself. The Child Himself is proof of all.

How interesting God the Father keeps layering on more truth – and more proof of Who He Is to both Mary and Joseph, perhaps to emphasize their work is not done, and that the rearing of this Child would be the most important child-rearing exercise ever undertaken.

Wow! Here comes Simeon having heard His Messiah is come! Having understood his life would not end prior to seeing His life!

Double wow! Here comes Anna, the prophetess, who was known for her gentleness and understanding and wisdom – but mostly for the fact she is one who hears from God.

Triple wow! Twelve years later, here sits Jesus Himself, teaching in the Temple. The Father knows, and The Father shows. THIS is the Father’s House! He is reclaiming it starting now.

-Pastor Bill

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