Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Trinity Appears

Luke 3:21…

At the height of the ministry of John the Baptist, Jesus suddenly appeared once more.

It has been 18 years since we last saw Him as a twelve year old boy teaching and asking questions of the religious leaders in the Temple at Jerusalem.

We were told Jesus during this interim time “increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.” (Luke 2:52)

When John’s ministry had accomplished all it was designed to do in preparing hearts for the ministry of Jesus the Christ, it came to pass Jesus was also baptized.

This is curious event that has had theologians speculating down through the centuries about its meaning and purpose. Surely Jesus was NOT baptized for repentance, since He was without sin. Why then was Jesus baptized?

While we cannot answer with certainty about all God was meaning with the baptism of Jesus, we can observe some things about God and about Jesus and about the Holy Spirit at Jesus’ baptism, and perhaps we can see God’s purpose in this.

For one thing - and it is HUGE - we at one time and in one place can observe the appearance of all three persons of the Godhead. One of the central tenets of orthodox Christianity is the fact God exists and has always existed as One God in Three Persons. This is known of as ‘the doctrine of the Trinity.’

While the revelation of the Trinity has been shrouded to God’s people throughout the history of mankind, at Jesus’ baptism we see the Triune nature of God more fully revealed. While it remains beyond our ability to understand or fully comprehend God’s Triune nature, we can recognize it when we see it – even if we CANNOT explain it.

Here we SEE Jesus coming up out of the water, the Holy Spirit descending upon Him in the form of a dove, and the voice of the Father, declaring from heaven, “You are My beloved Son; in You I am well pleased.” This is one of the most fantastic passages in all of God’s Word, and it should not be lightly passed over.

-Pastor Bill

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