Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Luke 12:1…

After speaking forcefully and truthfully to those who were demonstrably against Him while pretending to be for God, Jesus turns to His followers and begins to speak lovingly and truthfully to those who are for Him.

The loving truth is there will be a cost associated with following and gathering with Jesus, and He tells them God sees and God knows the extent to which they follow.

Remembering this teaching began with Jesus informing all who were listening and paying attention there was no neutral ground when it comes to being a child of God, and telliing everyone you are either for Him or against Him – He now warns His followers you cannot fake this.

The Pharisees were prime examples, and this is why He had scolded them so severely. The way Jesus spoke to the Pharisees would have been extremely shocking to those gathered to hear Him speak. Jesus has just accused the Pharisees and scribes and lawyers of being complete fakes. In essence, they were followers of Satan, not God, and any who chose to follow them were actually in danger of the judgment they were to receive. The days of pretending to follow God by religious external practice while your heart is wicked are over. (In reality they always have been.)

But can you speak like this to the powerful religious leaders and get away with it?

Ummm…No. And this will be the cost of being a genuine follower of God in Christ Jesus. Jesus is going to be killed by the fake followers of God as a demonstration of what it means to NOT be a hypocrite, and to not be one who fears those who can kill the mortal body but cannot touch the soul.

Obviously there is great fear induced by this kind of teaching, and explains why these eternal reminders are so important to us. If we value this life above the next, we may be inclined to recant under the pressure of the hypocrites who seek to punish those who are genuine children of God.

How comforting it is to know we are never alone in this pressure of punishment by external forces. Jesus reminds us God sees our plight, and God knows all we go through to follow Jesus. His eye is even on the sparrow. He knows the numbers of hairs on our head. He certainly watches over those who genuinely love Jesus no matter what.

-Pastor Bill

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