Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Blind Sight is 20/20

Mark 10:32-52

To traverse to Jerusalem always means you are going up, from whatever direction you approach. This would be particularly true when traveling to Jerusalem from the Jordan River valley, which connects the Sea of Galilee to the Dead Sea, which is the lowest elevation on the face of the earth.

From a location just north of the Dead Sea Jesus makes His entry into Israel with the intent of offering Himself as a sacrifice for the sins of all mankind.

No one seems aware of this save for Jesus Himself, even though it is clearly written in God’s prophetic Word. Over the next several days, Jesus’ entire life will be given over to the visible fulfillment of the prophetic Word.

It would be incredibly important to have loyal eyes viewing the events about to transpire; loyal eyes that could bear witness to the events, and write them down for all to see. (How interesting it is to consider these loyal witnesses had no idea exactly what it was they were bearing witness to.)

Their chief concern now seemed to be holding on to Jesus, and not letting go. Confronted a third time with Jesus’ powerful explanation of the events about to transpire, (exactly as God’s Word had said they would,) His disciples remained silent, probably in fear or disbelief about His description of the pending events which would see Him betrayed, shamed, and slaughtered like a common farm animal. (In fact, farm animals could expect better treatment.)

Could it even be remotely possible Jesus was going up to Jerusalem to take the ruling throne that was rightly His? Wasn’t this ALSO written in scripture? Is this a time for covering the bases – just in case? John and James think so. What about us ruling with Him on His right and left hand? But what sort of baptism is this that He speaks of in answer?

It seems only blind Bartimaeus sees things correctly. He knows when Jesus is near it is time to cry out – and not remain silent no matter who says to. The reason is because Bartimaeus has a need he knows only Jesus can meet, and he will not be denied by his own silence. His cry? “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”

-Pastor Bill

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