Mark 16
When you think of everything Jesus went through in His
crucifixion – you are left with the question: Was it worth it?
All of the degradation, all of the brutality, all of the
shameful scorn and torture, could anyone say – especially now that He is dead –
that what He had accomplished in His ministry was worth what He had to go
through in His death?
I suppose you could ask the man with the withered hand.
Was the healing of your hand worth the suffering Jesus went through? Perhaps
you could ask the Centurian’s servant. Was your healing from near-death worthy
of Jesus’ coming?
To the widow at Nain, or the demon-possessed man at Gadara:
Was what Jesus experienced on the cross worth it to you that your son may be
raised from the dead, or that the demons may be driven from your body?
For the disciples, can you imagine how they must have
wondered if it had been worth it all? Giving up their whole lives, family,
friends, work – everything – to follow this wonderful man of God Who was God,
(in their eyes and hearts?) Now He was dead. And not just dead, but shamed in
death. Degraded in death. Humiliated in death to such an extent it must have
also humiliated His followers. Could it be they were ashamed of His death as
much as they were horrified by it?
Was it worth this to be a follower of Christ?
What could be done about His humiliation but to anoint
His body, which had lain in a borrowed tomb covered by a burial cloth – one final
humiliation, (though done lovingly so.)
But now imagine finding the massive stone rolled away…and
an empty tomb…and the sight of the angel…and the statement: “You seek Jesus of
Nazareth, who was crucified. He is risen! He is not here. Go and tell His
Your head spins at the news…which is quite overwhelming…and
as you head back down the path walking slowly at first…and now running, suddenly
it dawns on you as it has dawned on every single person who has seen the risen
Christ. Yes! Yes! It was worth it all!
-Pastor Bill
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